Advanced Typography - Final Compilation & Reflection

 30.8.2023 -29.11.2023 (Week 1 - Week 14 )
Chong Hui Yi / 0363195
Advanced Typography / BDCM
Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 1: Exercises
Task 2: Key Artwork & Collateral
Task 3: Type Exploration & Application



Task 1: Exercise 1 - Typographic Systems
30.8.2023 - 12.9.2023 (Week 1 - Week 2 )

Fig. 1.0 Final Axial System - JPEG, week 1 (6/9/2023)

Fig. 1.1 Final Radial System - JPEG, week 1 (6/9/2023)

Fig. 1.2 Final Dilatational System - JPEG, week 1 (6/9/2023)

Fig. 1.3 Final Random System - JPEG, week 1 (6/9/2023)

Fig. 1.4 Final Grid System - JPEG, week 1 (6/9/2023)

Fig. 1.5 Final Modular System - JPEG, week 1 (6/9/2023)

Fig. 1.6 Final Transitional System - JPEG, week 1 (12/9/2023)

Fig. 1.7 Final Bilateral System - JPEG, week 1 (12/9/2023)

Fig. 1.8 Final Typographic Systems, without guides - PDF, Week 2 (12/9/2021)

Fig. 1.9 Final Typographic Systems, with guides - PDF, Week 2 (12/9/2021)

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Type and Play (Part 1)
6.9.2023 - 17.9.2023 (Week 2 - Week 3 )

Fig. 2.0 Image, week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.1 Extracted Letterforms, week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.2 Reference font, week 2 (10/9/2023)

 Fig. 2.3 Final letterforms, week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.4 Final letter "B", week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.5 Final letter "E", week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.6 Final letter "A", week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.7 Final letter "C", week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.8 Final letter "H", week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 2.9 Original extraction & final letterforms next to each other, week 2 (10/9/2023)

Fig. 3.0 Final Finding Type - PDF, week 2 (10/9/2023)

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Type and Play (Part 2)
6.9.2023 - 17.9.2023 (Week 2 - Week 3 )

Fig. 3.1 Final poster, week 3 (14/9/2023)

Fig. 3.2 Final poster - PDF, week 3 (14/9/2023)

Task 2: Key Artwork & Collateral
13.9.2023 - 7.11.2023 (Week 3 - Week 11)

Fig. 4.0 Final key artwork - B&W, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.1 Final key artwork - coloured 1, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.2 Final key artwork - coloured 2, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.3 Final key artwork - coloured 3, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.4 Final animation - GIF, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.5 Colour palette, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.6 Final collateral 1week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.7 Final collateral 2week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.8 Final collateral 2, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 4.9 Final Instagram Page, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Fig. 5.0 Final Task 2 - PDF, week 8 (19/10/2023)

Task 3: Type Exploration & Application
18.10.2023 - 29.11.2023 (Week 8 - Week 14)

You can type here ↓ ↓ ↓ 

Fig. 5.1 CatYi Typface, week 13 (22/11/2023)

Fig. 5.2 Font presentation #1, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.3 Font presentation #2, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.4 Font presentation #3, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.5 Font presentation #4, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.6 Font presentation #5, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.7 Font presentation #6, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.8 Font application #1, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 5.9 Font application #2, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 6.0 Font application #3, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 6.1 Font application #4, week 14 (29/11/2023)

Fig. 6.2 Font Presentation & Application, week 14 (29/11/2023)


14 weeks have passed quickly. Compared to "Typography," "Advanced Typography" actually interests me more because I have a foundation of knowledge. The tasks are also more flexible, allowing me to choose topics I enjoy and design things I like. I feel very happy. Initially, I thought Task 3, with so many weeks, would be manageable. However, in reality, I found myself rushing to meet deadlines every week. Fortunately, I caught up in the end. Among these three tasks, Task 3 was the most challenging and rewarding. I invested a lot of effort and enjoyed the design process. It's not just an assignment, it's also the first complete font I've designed in my life (excluding semester 1 typography, of course).

I've noticed that my sense of time is really poor. I tend to focus on details for a long time, leaving me with a crazy rush towards the end. Thankfully, I'm still satisfied with the results. 

Additionally, when working on collateral or other tasks that require Photoshop, I realized that I'm not as proficient in Adobe Photoshop compared to Adobe Illustrator. I need to practice more in this area.

Typography is a field that genuinely interests me, and I know I am still in the process of continuous learning. I hope to see improvement with every task. Passion is the greatest motivation, if you're not passionate about something, you won't find joy in the process.


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