Design Principles - Task 2 / Visual Analysis

22.2.2024 - 7.3.2024 (Week 3 - Week 5)
Chong Hui Yi / 0363195
Design Principles / BDCM
Task 2 / Visual Analysis


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Task 2: Visual Analysis


  1. Write a 300- to 350-word visual analysis of the selected design (refer to Visual Analysis lecture notes and guide).
  2. Include reference links where applicable.
Fig. 1.0 "The Cost of Cool" by Victo Ngai, week 2 (21/2/2024)

Title of art: The Cost of Cool
Artist’s name: Victo Ngai
Year: 2012
Medium: Digital Illustration

This artwork predominantly features an orange colour scheme, creating a hot atmosphere. In the upper right corner, circular lines resemble the sun emitting warmth. On the giant woman's face, there's an expression of fascination with an air conditioner. Looking down, you'll see a group of relaxed figures enjoying cool air from the air conditioner, but behind it, there are running figures, burning trees, and the woman's body in flames. Green plant totems are also present on her body. (78 words)

This design uses analogous colours and a circular composition, with the woman holding an air conditioner to create harmony and unity. Additionally, the design follows the golden ratio, adding interest to the composition. Repeated (repetition) wavy and circular lines add decorative elements, conveying warmth. Initially, our attention is drawn to the large burning woman and the hot environment, then it shifts to the small figures in the lower right corner, creating hierarchy. The giant orange woman contrasts with the blue green small figures, emphasising (emphasis) her presence as the focal point. Due to the circular layout, (movement) our gaze starts at the woman's face, observing her expression, then moves down to the small figures, following the woman's body in a circular flow. (122 words)

Fig. 2.0 Visual Analysis

This artwork illustrates climate change. According to the United Nations, by 2050, greenhouse gas emissions from air conditioning and refrigeration are expected to increase by 90% from 2017, intensifying global warming and causing depicted forest fires. The giant woman, adorned with plant totems, symbolizes nature. However, her expression reflects our modern reliance on air conditioning. The air conditioner may represent society's pursuit of comfort and convenience, emitting flames that signify its negative impact on the climate. We, the carefree figures in the illustration, are unaware of the severe consequences behind using air conditioning. (93 words)


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